Sunday 25 April 2010

Legs: Welcome to Wicked Pummel

I've pretty much toasted my legs this weekend - starting with an 80 minute trail run, then following up on Saturday with about 3.5 hours of mountain biking at Moose Mountain... which was fun until that cold front really came through. Lots of snow on Friday night it seemed, above a certain elevation there was a good 2cm even coat on everything, which made the trails more challenging than was generally fun (the muddy roots and rocks were past climbable with the snow, descending was ok). It'll take another hot dry week to get things back to the tacky traction feeling.

Sunday was 4.5 hours of road riding once I woke up, about an hour into it I saw a rider up ahead so I started chasing. Never made much ground until what turned out to be the two of them stopped for a pee break - Mike and Dan of SpeedTheory. I had met Dan prior at TR and ended up drinking a few beers after the race on either his or his partners front lawn down in Fernie. Anyway, they were heading out toward Madden/Dog Pound for some intervals - I tagged along but knew the odds were stacked against me (tired legs already, late night last night, and I had a 'cross bike vs. their road bikes). It was great company and great motivation, but I only held in for two and not quite a half of their intervals, which were 16 minute time trail ascending efforts from just below threshold to just above.

After blowing it was snack time then hobble back to Calgary, of course I ended up solo from pretty much exactly the far point of the ride. Oh well, at least I had a Boost with me ; )

All in the name of trying to maintain some latent fitness for when I actually need it later in the summer for a few events - up to too much other stuff this spring it seems.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you got in a decent weekend all things considered! I like the 80 min trail run - where did that come from?
