Craig Stappler is riding awesome ; )
Aside from that little humorous artifact from the past, Craig is likely riding right now. Or if you’re reading this later, he’s probably riding now too.
I’ve noticed how Craig has changed in my mind over the years. I used to think of him as a strong mountain biker, laying out the hurt, wearing deadgoat kit, looking like this:
Lately, he’s cemented his reputation as a strong, err superhuman mountain biker, wearing deadgoat kit, but he jumps up and down more and looks more blue, with more prominent initials, like this: 

I really like blue Craig - I’ve been utterly transfixed by this new Craig now for almost a week. He doesn’t say much, but between the spot, the forums, the call ins of Ollie and him, it’s like a story book that you have to try to fill a lot in on your own. It’s completely fascinating, completely amazing. I almost get asked more about Craig these days than my dumb sling (which is good). I walk around downtown to get my lunch, and when I see people they say “that Craig you’re buddies with is a monster. You always said he was a good rider/awesome descender/had unending endurance but holy cow you weren’t exaggerating…"
… and no indeed I was not. So maybe people think I’m prone to exaggeration? That’s beside the point. The point is there are awesome feats of endurance happening out there by Craig and Ollie and nearly a hundred others, that are unfathomable in size, but that handfuls are latching onto and becoming blue dot trackers themselves. And fans. And inspired…
Fans and jealous enemies!
ReplyDeleteI like what you posted on bikepacking:
Re: TD'12 Race Discussion
« Reply #1033 on: June 20, 2012, 07:39:19 AM »
It's all very interesting discussion today. What strikes me upon some reflection:
- for a bunch of free spirited athletes testing the edges of inhabited society in the mountains, rules seem to be of high degrees of contention and debate here. I view this more of a feat of strength and endurance for everyone to behold, enjoy the soap opera unfold, etc. it almost seems too negative, or even american style hyper legalism
- if one of Craig or Ollie wasn't there, would the other be in 10th spot? Somehow I doubt it. Would they be on track for a shot at record pace? Their legs, lungs, equipment, planning and endurance seem to suggest so.
- it appears the riders themselves are respectful of the rules - Erik L reported they rode apart, stopped seperately. We all saw the Idaho/Wyoming border split up due to circumstance. They declined food and Gatorate from a non-permanent on course establishment. It doesn't appear they're seeking to be indicted... vs. the others who were publicly called out for really riding together and drafting.
- I see the word solo tossed around a lot, and rules are meant for interpretation. To me it appears their efforts are entirely solo - no drafting, no pushing, no common gear, etc. I don't see in the rules that it says "complete the event as a reclusive, antisocial manner, and shun fellow humans."
- so really it comes down to, as someone has pointed out, the two efforts perhaps pacing each other, taking out the lows.
It's easy to imagine harmonious riding, but maybe they have put in half a dozen sly attacks each and are countering them daily? We don't know. Maybe out of each stop, one is filling a water bottle while one is rolling? Or testing with accelerations on climbs? Or one wakes up to find the other out the door with his bike and then scrambles? There's a lot more than two dots and a couple photos can ever capture.
Doesn't look like they're afoul at all.
He is having an amazing race... hopefully he is not influenced by some of the negative bluedot junkies. Personally I hope to see a perfectly equal sprint at the finish ending in a perfect tie.