Wednesday 22 December 2010

Valparaiso, Chile

We drove this little Peugeot Partner out to Valparaiso.  I like it - small, handles nice, and entirely practical.  Between a Renault Kangoo and a Citroen Berlingo, the French certainly have market saturation in little car/van vehicles.  Maybe when I get home I can fall in love with a Ford Transit.  It corners well, but I might be able to get it to fishtail in a traffic circle ; )

Our little scaninavian styled bed and breakfast in Valparaiso.  It's called Cirilo Armstrong.  It's nice, I'd recommend it to anyone.  Main floor with kitchenette and fireplace.  Notice in the back left that the window goes up to the second floor with open space.

Second floor.

View of the 'burbs.

It's mind boggling how hilly and steep this city is, everything is straight up and down.  This is right out front of our place (it's our Partner to the left, and that round sign is the sign for Cirilo Armstrong).  This road is so freaking steep.  Notice the sidewalk on the left.  If there's stairs, it appears you need a railing.  But if its just straight sidewalk with a 7' drop to the road, you're safe without a railing.

Photos of steep stuff always sort of fail, it's hard to capture skiing or biking on steeps too.  The road I'm on is say a 6% grade; it's a real hill.  That middle one with the lazy dog sleeping next to it is like a black diamond ski run.  If you stand and don't keep weight back, your rear tire can slip traction - like that kind of steep.

The suburbs feature donkeys, horses, and a view of the harbor.

A german shepard "guard dog"didn't get mad at Cindy.

This is some family's front walkway.  I should have take the picture from the side.  It's steeper than one of those old school fold down ladders that people had going up to attics.

This is more of a second world suburb than Las Condes in Santiago.  Three derelict Beetles are parked to the right, but they do have quite a view. 

It's weird having a blackberry on these days.  I've got a thread going with my Belgian friend since we've now signed up for the Claro Brasil race in October.  The TransPortugal people are emailing me.  BC Bike Race and TransRockies have sent out updates.  Acquaintance emails from Mendoza with tips on what to do.  I've got work emails coming from Colombia, London and France... and yes even a few from Calgary, including a 4 location conference call yesterday.  Feels like the world gets so small.

This van and building are up the street from our hotel.  They match.

Skylights with stained glass art.

Funny art in a restaurant we ate at.

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