Sunday 25 March 2012

Biking, babies

Shawn and I arrived at Cadence to find Craigx2, Kate, Gabor, and then Alana joined. Trick was had though and Kate wasn't riding due to sore ribs from a that spill a while back. Alana couldn't turn back from the guys though since she was there. Gabor and Alana hadn't seen the day's route before; it's always neat to see if people dig the exploration cyclocross riding.

Out to Cochrane via Glenbow park, through the ranch to Big Hill Springs as pictured. Nice day, valley was below hoar frost line. At the furthest point I realized I had less than 90 minutes to make it home for Cindy's sisters' baby shower reception, so Gabor, Bunnin and I took off. For an under-Watted fellow like me, that was hard. We made it home in fantastic time - great high quality workout. Very fun tempo riding, I really had a blast.

Rest of day was sitting still with a baby, cat, and chowing on party food... until I ravaged a lasagne at dinner.

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