(from base of GW bridge with Manhattan a few miles in the background, I think GW is about 180th street and we're staying on 50th street)
Tori and I rode to Piermont today, which is picturesque. The air was a beautiful temperature, plenty of cyclists out for a Monday, and the coffee shop we stopped at had a photo of Lance Armstrong and Bart Knaggs in the window from when they found themselves in New York and needing a ride. He commented that the roads were beautiful, the coffee was strong, and the cinnamon scones were unparalleled. I guess we were onto something if the experts agreed. I'll skip the little bit about my IT band being a little perturbed and instead highlight the couple on a WWII motorbike, kitted up with leather helmet replicas and goggles, complete with a big brown chocolate lab with like goggles cruising along in the sidecar. Life is meant to be fun, right?
The IT band injury is not fun - I fought one of those a couple of years ago. I would highly recommend Active Release as long as you don't mind a little pain...