We flipped from cycling to entertainment on Tuesday afternoon, getting back to our room then cleaned up for dinner in record turnaround time.
Met with an assortment of clients, spouses and FirstEnergy people at Taboon, Moroccan type restaurant as far as I could tell. Grade A food. Two guys got in late from their flight and do Subway instead. Logistics dictate this is the logical choice, however the FirstEnergy guy's reputation for frugality makes the humor of this notable - taking a CEO client to Subway will further build the legend of his "under control expense reports". Someone earlier had the foresight to realize Alice in Chains was playing the night before our conference, plus the foresight to realize enough guys in the oilpatch would find this a good way to spend the evening.
We walk over to Hanger 5, a three story warehouse building and get in the short entry line. They ID everyone, even the 50+ oil execs, which is kind of pointless, but funny. A few of the guys actually had meetings that day, and the concert was definitely short a few Canali sport coats and Cole Hahn "Nike air" loafers prior to our arrival - it was more of a tank top and tattoo event. Once we're in, one of the poster boys of conservative CEO's, pushes toward the front.
Rest of us walk back into the three story warehouse. A fight breaks out with a bunch of huge dudes, leaving us to hope the clientele made it past that section already; some dude's head met a steel I-beam "vigorously". Turns out they did make it past without incident, leaving a colleague and I to part to let a train of massive goons pass. Wise from a desk jockey perspective.
We find our way to floor 2 which is slightly less sweaty and more open. Women with tattoos and mowhawks serve us cheap beer.
Awesome concert overall, fun and loud. Great people watching. After we do a pub sort of near Times Square and the W bar behind our hotel. It's a warm evening and great for walking. I pull the plug at 1:45 with 4 diehards still going, well representing the 50+ group still.
damn! I love Alice in Chains! Saw their original lineup 19 years ago opening for Van Halen. Very sad they aren't coming here on their present tour.