Sunday 30 March 2008

March Snowstorm

It seems like every post these days has the obligatory whine about Calgary's variable spring weather.  Since my skiing has diminished over the years, I'm in the "snow in March isn't cool" camp.  I'll try to keep it short on that front... when I woke up it was abnormally light in the room.  I rolled over and looked out the window to see something between 5 and 10cm of snow in the yard.  Sheesh.  My blackberry was full of messages of everyone canceling on the pre-planned ride.  I too threw in the proverbial towel and got my mind set on a trainer ride.

I knew Craig would show up at Cadence at 10, so not wanting him to show up solo, I called and let him know that I wouldn't be down there.  Like a good TransRockies partner, Craig talked some sense into me.  I shoveled my driveway, put some fenders back on the Moots, and drove up to my mom and dad's house to get going.  The snow was dry and cold, wasn't even slopping up on the bike, the dry crystals were staying on the ground.

We did one of my favourite routes, out Symons Valley on gravel roads.  I think I'm in the small minority who like this as a cycling route.  For roadies, it isn't road, and it can't be done on a fast road bike.  For mountain bikers, it isn't a mountain bike ride, because it isn't really technical, or mountainous.  It does however offer higher rolling resistance, low traffic, and nice scenery.  

In addition to coaxing me outside, riding with Craig is just a better workout period.  Part of this is attributable to competition.  Someone's ahead, someone's behind, or you're side by side.  Brains just work that way, if something is ahead you chase, if something's behind you flee.  And if you're side by side, it seems you try to get in front, back, or just examine the workload and see who's faring better.

Considering I'm riding a bike that provides a superior amount of rolling resistance and weight (uhh... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it), I'm chasing a lot.  And that means I'm getting in some quality hill climbs that stress the legs and lungs out nicely.

For those looking for a northwest riding spot, I'd suggest the Sobey's on Stoney Trail as a starting point.  Coffee shop right there, and when the ride is done, you can raid the quality Sobey's deli for some post ride calories.

One of these weeks I'll revert to the easier to ride Turner for the regular training rides, I'm still trying to keep the Cannondale feeling primadonna enough to be fast on race days by not subjecting it to the training workload.  It's gotta be fresh...

1 comment:

  1. hardcore, that's all I can say. I cancelled that ride long before I woke up and was not riding outside at all...
    Funny how so many jammed on the days previous ride due to weather and it was wicked!.
