Sunday, 27 September 2009
A Life of Comedy
OfficeGuy: How's it going BikingBakke?
BikingBakke: Great. It's Friday, and instead of working till 9pm like the last two Fridays, I'm gonna bolt outta here at 4pm and sleep in on Saturday.
Then reality reared its ugly head, and it turned into a late Friday coupled with a 2 hour conference call starting at 8AM Saturday. Murphy's law, right?
That continued into working most of Saturday, then a 7 hour shift Sunday before I pulled the plug to go biking.
My bike ride was not intense and not long - dropped by Craig's which turned into a good one hour chat in the fall sun, then did a couple hours of riding. Got home at 6:30, showered, and checked the BlackBerry.
Hmmm... kind of a "Wolf" from Pulp Fiction moment. Yeah, that's urgent. Yeah, I'm at home trying to eat, but I'll be downtown to get a leg up on that for Monday morning in 20 minutes.
Nothing like putting in a surprise 7pm to midnight Sunday shift... right?
It's pretty much comedy (other than it's my life).
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Hooper's Housewarming
Hoop and Janice - congrats on the beauty new digs. Here's what I've learned: those floor tiles are all the rage, your place makes a very convincing argument for the "buy and move in" route, and there's something about Bud Light Lime that's gonna be the end of me. At least it's a fad drink so it won't en be available in a year or two, but I'm on the verge of drinking that stuff on same preference as coffee. There's something to be said for watered down American beer.
Seems like everywhere I go, people "our" age are in a highly reproductive state, man there were a lot of babes and babies in the house... I'm guessing the faces I didn't recognize from bike riding were part of the nursing crowd.
House Renovation 7 - more garage and framing progress

Thursday, 24 September 2009
Supernova E3
Sunday, 20 September 2009
House Renovation 6 - garage and framing progress

Saturday, 12 September 2009
Black Sheep 'cross bike
House Renovation 6 - Garagemahall foundation work
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Petty Crime

I'm kind of a cost/benefit analysis guy by trade. Let's try this one:
Saturday, 5 September 2009
House Renovation 5 - planting

Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Halts and stutter steps
My life is slowing down. Maybe it's relaxing?
House reno not moving at any discernable pace. Finish distant. Colorado ti framebuilder is moving at no discernable pace. End stop. Try to go for a single speed ride and bend a chainring. Pause. A few Cannondale fork parts will arrive sometime this year maybe? Period. A few winter bike light parts will get here whenever they get here? Full stop. Fitness and exercise... serious deceleration there. Despite modern technology, Tori and I have not yet had anything like a "flowing" or "interactive" conversation or thread, after years of being in generally immediate communication. Halt.
Any progress here... or only hitting the brakes?
At least the office keeps me humming. Maybe that's the best part and I've been missing the point this whole time. Hmmm...