Thursday 22 May 2014

First Deadgoat Hammer ride of the year (for us)

Cindy and I did our first deadgoat hammer ride of the year.  Good times!

I was worried Cindy wouldn't like the pace, but afterwards she said it was great - that you'd really get fit working out like that.  A group of 4 went back from the traffic circle to keep pace together, and 5 of us went out to Bragg and back.  Beauty night too, first night of only jersey and bibs!

Rain dodging

For a supposedly socked in weekend, we got in Friday at COP 100% dry, Millarville dry Saturday, Lochend mostly dry Sunday (we had hoped to get to Bottrel but the rainclouds didn't make that attractive), and an Airport Road outing Monday.

Millarville near-ish Jon's place (this is Plummers road).

Bit later, and hard to see here, but this is "engagement hill" by Cindy's naming, and a herd of 40 elk jumped the fences in front of us. A few didn't and just plowed into it and jumped later. You can see them down in the field. Also logs of bluebirds out. 

Lochend with Cindy outrunning the rain home. 

Downtown and COP wetter than we were all day. 

Monday 12 May 2014


Although a few layers were needed, Craig and I got out for what amounted to 150k for me when said and done. Nice dry roads. Not too cool to stop. Just a beautiful day that didn't feel sufferous. We cruised along at a leisurely pace and welcomed what actually feels like spring!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Great winter conditions!

Skiing condition are awesome right now. Fresh tracks!

Saturday 3 May 2014

Calgary spring

Marvin says it's time to have the weather warm up.

The place at which we are dining is featuring the "old man winter" cocktail, so I went with that.