Saturday 29 March 2008

I'm waiting for Spring too

In the meantime, Saturday is of course a synonym for "ridingday" so Dallas, Devin, Craig, Gerry and I met up at Cadence Cafe to brave the cooler weather.  Instead of bringing a bike, Devin brought Merrik, and although he looked like he had energy to ride, they departed after coffee.

The rest of us started off on sideshow, then decided to head north up to Nose Hill park.  We climbed up out of the cliffs area via the direct route on a steep climb that really put the hurt into me... then rode along 53rd street and out to Nose Hill.  I've been... uhh, you know... watching what I eat lately, and lightening up on the carbs might be good for controlling the flab, but it's not great for impressive displays of cycling endurance.  Dallas and Craig were duking it out on the climbs, sometimes I was even near enough to see who made it to the top first.

Anyway, I tried to keep up and we rode into the cold north wind out to Beddington on some trails I'd seen in the past but never ridden, so I was glad to now know the route thanks to Dallas.  From there it was tracing the Nose Creek path system to Bridgeland for a coffee stop, then back along the Bow River paths home.

Once home, I started getting ready for tomorrow's ride, like any normal cyclist would:
- one bottle of magic sugary potion "high markup recovery drink"
- shower to thaw feet, complete with tingling sensation
- one entire box of macaroni and cheese, with olive oil to dissolve cheese for 120g of carbs
- half cup of cottage cheese plus protein powder for about 35g of protein
- lots of water
- an hour nap.


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