Wednesday 26 February 2014

Riding with the Nepalese friends

These chick peas had spice, spice, onions and spice. It's an awesome way to start the day. If there's anything I like, it's spices and chick peas. There's basically no preservatives here. 

Our hotel. 

Symbolism I don't get, but looks nice. 

Here's Gerry taking in the local "road" riding scene. 

Half today's group. 

#1 and #4 riders in Nepal. Flyweights! Look at those calves and waist size!

Terraces. Belgians. 

Little trail maintenance. 

Finished the downhill over to the left. 

This is Aayman. He's the #4 local guy. He's a good example of why we aren't going to win a climbing race in their country. I could probably snap him on the flats over a bit of time, but not right away as he's a good drafter. So he has power, and he's the bigger guy! Ajay is smaller and is the national champ. He's the one with the tiny ankles in that riding picture up above.  Aayman is 48kg and Ajay is 47kg. With their power and such small bodies, watching them climb is like magic. They're so friendly, the shop is awesome place to hang out, they're helpful to is too and are such good hosts, we're just in heaven. 

Happy riders. We tested each other a bit on an interval before this picture. 

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