Friday 21 September 2012

Silver Willow Shooting

A 20+ degree Friday evening in September seemed ideal to do some sporting clay shooting - Cindy's first, and hopefully my salvation outing.

Cindy warmed up to it well. Stu, who's competitive at the international level, was a great guide and coach. It makes a difference.

Last time out I was pitiful; three times prior were acceptable in the 60%+ range. Quick solution? Contact lenses. Then fine tuning and help from Stu. Probably my best outing ever (we didn't do all the stations as we skipped the ones directly into the setting sun, and jumped around a bit from the other learning groups out, and did multiple shots at each station) so its not a true score percent cause it's inflated. But when I *started* with 6 hits! Feels good. Finished with a sweep at a station including the last two being pulled at once, although I forget the term for that.
I don't like failing so bad at things, but now have a partial explanation - eyesight. Was wearing prescription glasses prior, but contacts worked way better. Wondering if I need to go back to them for skiing and biking...

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