Sunday 19 August 2012


Driving across Montana in a day sort of makes me want a truck and a dog, a slow pace, and maybe some Johnny Cash.

Or maybe it makes me want an American car with two wheel drive. I've learned the difficulties of replacing tires on AWD vehicles today as differing diameters cause the system to perpetually adjust, then prematurely implode. Makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that the spare isn't a full spare, and on top it isn't even close to the regular one, it's several inches smaller in circumference... meaning it can't be driven long distances on. What this means is there is exactly, and only, one tire size I can replace with. And it's a large yet low profile one, so it's uncommon. If it was 2WD I could replace two on a given axle and have been on the way home.

Let's hope tomorrow works out with more tire shops open. Too bad the current set didn't have more miles on them so I could just replace them all.

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