Thursday 13 March 2014

Group Ride day

Tatopani to a roadside stop for bus pickup, 33km, 3h bus ride to Pokhara

We got up earlier than I thought was needed, but loading busses here is slow. Cruised down the valley with Jeff and Gerry mostly. Few people sick with round 2 - Jeff, Kate and Gerry seem to have it. This far I dodged it. I didn't eat anything other than packaged food post race. 

I had gone to bed thinking I was going to "pull a Wallace" move as a bunch of guys were talking about skipping the creaky bus and riding back with Ajay as guide. Would have been a great ride and bus was bumpy. But I woke up with a pretty solid cough that I think will need two solid 12h sleeps to let my body get ahead of. Yuki passed on the opportunity too. Those guys made it back before the busses, but I would have needed to be feeling spry to survive. 

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