Thursday 26 December 2013

Turkish lunch

We got our bags today!

Then we went for lunch to devise our plans. We've extended our driver and booked extra days.  We went to a restaurant and when asked what I wanted I said Turkish lunch. Here's what that comprised. 

Fresh salad. Like really fresh. With pomegranate syrup or as they say "granate sauce" and spices and lemon and vinegar and olive oil. 

Bulger soup, very good. Also conveniently Erik water. Cindy went with Pepsi. 

BBQ meat balls, onion, tomato, pepper and spices.  Soup, salad and meal make very few stops from farm to plate. Delicious. 

Bitter yogurt drink. I think spelled ayran but said how we say Iran.  No sugar, boiled sheep milk made to yogurt then fluffed up in a machine then water added. 

The ubiquitous Turkish tea. 

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