Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Pizza again?

My birthday present to self this year was my inaugural Tuesday night Hammer Ride of the year. After commuting home in horrendous traffic to pick up my bike. As a side note: I can't believe how much of the population accepts the cost, hassle, frustration and resource consumption associated with gridlock as the status quo. It is absolutely ridiculous. I find it hard to fathom how rational beings don't seek out other alternatives.

Once I made it to Westhills, half a dozen of us left to inflict training and pain on our collective selves. At the 20km mark I realized I was right with guys on the hills who had been dropping me shortly before. Of course this just applied to short hills where I can go anaerobic temporarily to mask my inferior power to weight ratio. It was a beautiful night and I had a blast. Devin wasn't feeling his normal self, I suspect he forgot to bring pizza in his jersey. That doesn't mean I had a chance of keeping up of course.

It felt so good driving home all tuckered out. I know I'm getting fitter as I could bounce off my heart rate ceiling on ten hard intervals during the ride and feel normal just a minute after.

I'm now on the full R&R program by sitting at a desk from 8-11, never elevating my heart rate, then taking a cab home!

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