Thursday 22 December 2011


Cindy's review: "it's just so cute."

That's really it. But also bonus points for dutch pancake places, belgian waffle houses, but mostly all things Danish along Copenhagen street, coffee galore, good restaurants, all surrounded by mountains with roads on them. Lots of cyclists in area.

Erik to bell desk: can we store our bikes in your luggage room?

Bell captain: no, just take them up to your rooms. That's what we tell all the riders here, it's easier. The pros and all those serious guys work on their bikes at night.

Ok. Win-win. And sounds like they know the drill.

I picked a ride off the map at random, and it was excellent. Refugio Road, SE of town. Only issue was we took off 'cross tires and climb was gravel. It was fine though, other riders on it on 'cross bikes. Led us up to Camino Cielo, and although my spanish isn't great, that sounded like a good target. Beautiful.

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