Saturday 3 December 2011

Ridge of Death

Craig, Kate, Thomas and I did about six and a half hours of fun today, but it spanned about 8:45-5:45 - proving once again that I need lights when riding with Craig.

Cadence out to the singletrack along the river which was great, then the ridge of death by the reservoir (see Craig and Kate in the photo, and the telephone poles - that ridge is a long way down), then to Cochrane. My bb undid itself so I had the opportunity to walk more. Bike Bros fixed that before our lunch stop.

We were going to do the Cochrane Ranch single track then head home on TWP 262, but we were lured to Big Hill Springs through the valley by prime conditions. After fixing Kate's fender it was spin home time. Big storm came through right at end and pelted us with snow in the dark, but it wasn't too cold.

So fun to be out, and felt good too.

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