Thursday 28 July 2011

If I made the rules

(Which I clearly don't)

The several individuals I saw, and passed, who by their frequency of occurrence tonight seem to indicate that using aerobars on the Calgary river pathway system is commponplace: this is just plain wrong. There is no reason to use aerobars on the pathway, unless you want to signal to others you're inexperienced and of poor judgement so they can give you wide berth upon spotting you.

I passed them while I was not going fast at all. This means that they are not going fast enough to need, or benefit from aerobars. Coincidentally, this also means they are not going fast enough to steer them straight. It also perhaps indicates that they are not strong or experienced enough at cycling to realize all this.

City paths are about common safety. If it's crowded, I ride slow and with the flow pace of the traffic, just by common sense. If I'm too hopped up to be patient and want to ride at whatever speed, I ride on the road so people aren't exposed to a frustrated banker trying to work out some stress. If the paths are deserted, I ride whatever pace. But I have a strong opinion that a disc brake mountain bike "speeding" on a path with heads up is safer than heads down, wobbly aerobar use, not even past the 10th street bridge... right downtown.

Oh well, rant one over.

To the chick who yelled to "ride on the sidewalk" in Varsity to the three of us riding together tonight: please inform yourself better. I realize you're unlikely to surf bike stuff on the net, but if you do, the rules of the road that actually prescribe where bikes are supposed to be are available.

Neither of these however dampened the fact that tonight is a totally beautiful summer night for some post work cruising - so nice out! 60k on the mountain bike cause I couldn't get home to swap for the road bike to ride with Joss-man and "Joss-man-woman".

1 comment:

  1. Calgary ironman 70.3 is this weekend and the Westin is the race hotel - hence the triathlete invasion on Thursday/Friday. ie the aerobar riders are likely out of towners who just don't know where to ride and want to get one last workout in before Sunday...
