Monday 11 January 2010

Cat Skiing

I knew 2010 would be looking up vs. that grind at the end of 2009... I just didn't know life would get this good this fast:

Mr. X: "Bakke, what are you up to this weekend?"

BikingBakke: "No plans yet."

Mr. X: "Can you join us on our cat ski trip?"

BikingBakke: "There's only one answer to that - hell's yeah!"

Mr. X: "Thursday noon from downtown, we've got lunch and beer packed."

Now I've already used Emeril's BAM!, so this rotates over to a Jim Cramer BOO-YAH!

ps. I love Weezer and Warren Miller - thanks Hoop for bringing this gem to my attention a year or so ago... and yes I'm aware that the video definitely lacks cat skiing... but what it lacks in cat skiing, it makes up in awesomeness.