Friday 1 January 2010


We've traveled to two distinct places on this trip, so we thought we'd add in a third before leaving. 

The theatre inside the Siam Paragon is a theatre unlike others I've seen.  We've already traveled in time forward from Cambodia to Thailand, and the whole Siam Paragon is a very futuristic mall, feels Tokyo like.  The multilevel theatres on the top floor are amazing.

Avatar has been in James Cameron's mind for about 20 years as the story goes, technology wasn't yet there to do it justice.  He pushed the 3D technology along and now on the first day of 2010 I've seen 3D like I've never seen it before.  We even paid up and booked tickets a day in advance to see it on IMAX.

The combo was mind blowing, the 2:45 minute run time was simply buckle in and hold on for another world to be seen.  Like film (and sci fi) are supposed to do, it makes you look at your place and self differently as it takes you to another world and potentially another set of shoes.  It fully delivered, as even the characters themselves were making the same journey.  It was technically impressive to see it pulled off so well.  I can't believe how fast humankind has come from no picture capturing to black and white stills to the ability to create from scratch a 3D world.
Sci fi can deal with classic themes so unencumbered by reality - the seperation of person from physical being, and the ability to create an infinitely malleable stage for justice, greed, war, revenge, human priorities of science, development, and environment, and respect, trust and love to be explored. 

I kinda even wish I had an Avatar myself, and a big blue long tailed Na'vi would do just fine!

ps. even if the glasses look funny, they're entirely comfortable and disappear 10 seconds after putting them on.

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