Tuesday 22 June 2010


I'm eating breakfast with a Toucan, and I'm not eating fruitloops.  Later it decided it wanted to sit on my chairback and beg, and the guys I'm with wanted me to not shoo it away so they could take a picture of it near my shoulder.  Of course this didn't work out as planned, as the toucan got greedy, and went for some croissant (which I assume isn't it's native diet).  I shoed it away a bit, but it was persistent.  In the little 3 second melee, it bit me and I smacked it.  Somehow I get the feeling this is another encounter with the animal kingdom Tori wouldn't have liked.  In terms of odd animal encounters, I've now been bitten by a camel and a toucan.


  1. hilarious. that beak is pretty intimidating, i must say.

  2. That is awesome... I can't believe it was aggressive enough that you had to smack it! Would the Alberta equivalent be a European tourist having to slap an elk in Banff national park?
