Long time, no house shots. I know that's part of what I'm supposed to be doing here as the Canadian anchor of the Bakke-Fahey household... it's just that there's been a lot more fun stuff going on to write about than the minutiae of a house renovation. So here's where Tori's half of her home improvement budget has been going lately. Let's just say I'm looking forward to this being over, but just don't ask me about it (even if I try to restrain myself, you may get one of those diatribes nobody wants to hear).
This is way back when the foundation was being insulated.

Here's part of why I wasn't taking too many pictures or posting high frequency updates. Plumbing and wiring need to be done, but they aren't exactly grand progress to view from a photographic standpoint.

The exciting makings of a downstairs bathroom, watching concrete cure is right up there with watching paint dry.

I think this derived from the roots growing into city water/sewer lines last year, but possibly had something to do with the house project.

Windows and doors mostly in, just two doors remaining to be added (front door and front patio door).

Closer up of the garage door. This and the side window let in a decent amount of light, plus I'm "over lighting" it inside as I'm never a fan of dim garages, and I acknowledge in advance the lights will have to fight their way through "a few" bikes hanging from the ceiling.

Back doors and windows in, now when you walk through the house it's feeling much lighter and more open... obviously the city warming up and getting lighter has a lot to do with that, but we'll also give a little credit to the big new triple pane windows throughout transmitting a little more light than the average sheet of plywood.

Front of house two big windows just about done, just waiting for that one on left which will be a double door that can open and fold open totally leaving a space the size of those windows open, or just half can be used like a normal door.

A bit of the front entry and future exercise room, little hard to see what's actually going on here, but point being this house will be sunny in the afternoons.

Janice just asked me this weekend what the latest on your place was... Good to have an update!
ReplyDeleteJust looking at these a second time, I noticed the neighbors in the back. will be interesting to contrast the two approaches - reno and tear down. which one will take longer? which one will have more personality?