Sunday 27 September 2009

A Life of Comedy

It's within striking distance of October, and the not-so-much BikingBakke has had 3 days out of office since BC Bike Race, an average of a day a month. Some office banter on Friday morning went like this:
OfficeGuy: How's it going BikingBakke?
BikingBakke: Great. It's Friday, and instead of working till 9pm like the last two Fridays, I'm gonna bolt outta here at 4pm and sleep in on Saturday.

Then reality reared its ugly head, and it turned into a late Friday coupled with a 2 hour conference call starting at 8AM Saturday. Murphy's law, right?

That continued into working most of Saturday, then a 7 hour shift Sunday before I pulled the plug to go biking.

My bike ride was not intense and not long - dropped by Craig's which turned into a good one hour chat in the fall sun, then did a couple hours of riding. Got home at 6:30, showered, and checked the BlackBerry.

Hmmm... kind of a "Wolf" from Pulp Fiction moment. Yeah, that's urgent. Yeah, I'm at home trying to eat, but I'll be downtown to get a leg up on that for Monday morning in 20 minutes.

Nothing like putting in a surprise 7pm to midnight Sunday shift... right?

It's pretty much comedy (other than it's my life).

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you're at least getting in a little commuting - just to keep the legs somewhat tuned...
