Tuesday 4 November 2008


Everything's pointing at this juncture to me having my third (ugly) experience with food poisoning in my adult lifetime. Fate biting me in the ass for getting confused and eating the lamb burger Wasy ordered from Bow Valley Club I guess. Having spent half the night so far lying on my bathroom floor under a towel shivering and sweating at the same time, nodding off for little bits of unrestful sleep, I'm not seeing getting into work at the crack of dawn as overly likely.

Delirious and feeling disgusting, Bakke.


  1. Aww dude. rest up man. it'll all be over soon. And John McCain won't be president.

  2. sorry to hear that... i hope you get better soon. the tolerance for physical duress that you'll gain will be good practice for la ruta, though... and yes, obama is "the man" now but maybe that's bad for a finance guy like yourself?
