Wednesday 17 September 2008

Highlight of My Day

OK, I knew I was in the right on my flow-through and interest deduction charges for the year, but it's nice to have this sorted out finally so I can get my tax return!

Canada Revenue Agency, Preassessment Review Section

Dear Sir:

Re: Income Tax and Benefit Return for 2007

We have completed our review. Based on the documentation submitted, we have allowed the claim(s) under review.

[blah blah other stuff, keep these documents for the future, call us if you have any questions]

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Preassessment Review Section


  1. Not quite 'you were right and we were wrong', but it will do.just think of all of the interest you'll be owed by the CRA. At their generous levels, you could probably buy a few spare tubes for your bike with it! (The mec brand, not the ultra light weight racing ones).

  2. Whoa, the CRA dude ended his correspondence with xxx? You two must be tight!
