Monday 8 October 2007

S&S Couplers Review

S&S couplers review: Short and long version follows. I've had these now for 4 years on a couple of different bikes, and my experience over that time has been perfect with them. They've never underperformed, they've always done their job.

Short version: if you're ordering a ti bike with round tubes (ie. not a Litespeed) get the couplers, period, end stop, don't hesitate, don't second guess.

Long version:
1. The weight they add is inconsequential. In addition to the coupler, your framebuilder will most likely suggest you go with straight guage, rather than butted tubes, for the top and downtube. Add probably 100g. If you're weight weenie enough to care about this versus the ultimate utility of travel, revisit this page when you're willing to readjust your mindset.

2. They stiffen up the frame rather than weaken it, in two ways. First, the coupler is stronger than tubing in both destructive and nondestructive testing. Second, they're usually welded into a straight guage front triangle, whish is usually stiffer than butted (I say usually only to exempt my statement from the amazing things Litespeed is doing with tube shapes, but naturally a coupler needs a round tube, as screwing a squoval coupler would be an exercise in futility).

3. I'm the kind of guy who likes it when products work as they're advertised to work. As long as something does what says it's going to do, I'm pretty happy. These couplers don't squeak. They don't loosen. They just work. I've done La Ruta twice on a bike with them, and there's no problems. 2 weeks of bike touring? Tighten the couplers when you put the bike together, lug 50lbs of junk for two weeks around bumpy and gravel roads, undo the couplers when you pack up the bike to leave, and that's it. No babysitting, no problems, no hassles. They do recommend you check them daily. I did twice, then I realized I was the beneficiary of a quality product.

4. Ok, so little heavier, and stiffer, with no maintenance. Why rant and rave? Think about it! You can take YOUR badass, custom ti bike, put it in a box, fly to Patagonia, Tuscany, the Alps, Manhattan, Australia, La Ruta de los Conquistadores, etc. with ease. No corny rentals, no "wishing you could ride" while on business or holiday trips. You can fit the bike box in the taxi cab from the airport with ease (ever try getting a normal sized bike hardcase into a Peugeot in France or a Nissan Micra in Argentina?). Spend 15 minutes putting it back together (or 10 if it's a Rohloff or single speed bike). And you have YOUR badass bike rolling out the front door of your hotel.

5. This is poorly disguised repeat of #3. What's more heaven on earth than riding your bike wherever you may be? If you like bikes, and if you like ti bikes (or carbon - Calfee amazes me, met a lady with these in France), you should buy these.

Lastly - everyone knows Moots does beautiful welds. I think the version that shows the welds, rather than the one that covers them, is the way to go. Clean, elegant look that showcases the talent of the people that made your bike. (click my picture at the top to see a larger version to see the welds)

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