Tuesday 17 April 2012


I ticked over a new year today... nothing too intense planned (other than getting the heart rate up tonight on two wheels).

According to crud written on the internet, I've now a) outlived Jesus, and b) just passed the statistically best year of one's life.  The only truth in that is the internet is full of stupidity, and statistics are mostly used to sway people to conclusions through their ability to mask and simplify data (the handful of econometrics courses I took were actually respectably rigorous enough to teach me this), and would improve the world "if the entire population could be exposed to such classes".  Ha, how's that for applying a concept to the masses.

So in 2012 I still love biking, that hasn't changed.  Work is a-ok other than the global marketplace makes things a bit more of a slog right now, not the least of which is the cheapest energy on the planet emanating from our end of Canada right now in terms of natural gas molecules.  Life with Cindy is great, although I haven't neared any level of capability to picture myself as a family man yet.  Perhaps I'm stuck in immaturity for life.  I'll also try to figure out who I am in the nationalistic sense, with the US/Canadian debate ongoing in my mind (not to mention the taxation aspect...).

So there it is... another of probably unanswerable questions like who am I, and what will I be when I grow up?  In the meantime I'll help with the tax base and ride my bike.

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