This road winds along beautifully, you can see it cut back to the right just beyond the blackberry's ability to capture much detail. Windy roads... just like life.
It's been a full weekend, and I'm glad to say about 6h of quality aerobic time was part of it. Gravel road time has somehow grown to be part of me. Saw two moose, two coyotes, and a great big hawk taking off from a fencepost right next to me in ESPN style tracking camera action as it flew same direction I was riding but only like 15' away. Love seeing the prairie's alive.
Fitting that in with Shawntoberfest and other stuff is tiring - no rest for the wicked I guess... I suppose I'll end up sitting still only when it's coffin time.
Prairie fall sunset, north of Symon's valley. I could ride in 5 degree weather all day, it's so nice. Plus it really lengthen's the range of two water bottles for me.
Prairie fall sunset, north of Symon's valley. I could ride in 5 degree weather all day, it's so nice. Plus it really lengthen's the range of two water bottles for me.

I've always wanted to explore more of the gravel roads north of the city. If you ever want a very slow travel companion, let me know!