Saturday 28 March 2009

Un-riding mostly

I did a lot of things today that have no effect, other than atrophy, for my legs, lungs and heart. Situational analysis, strategic alternatives, ranking of alternatives, recommendation, action plans and contingency plans don't in this case have much to do with cycling. The only thing that's growing is the page count on the powerpoint file. I caution that I'm not trying to create melodrama where there isn't melodrama to be had, but the parallels, with a little creative license, definitely exist. Phone call. Time line. Action plan. Consequences.

I managed only a brief workout to help keep my sanity and my ability to sleep at night, as my body was getting restless. One hour of repeats up and down the hill by the Montgomery school had my quads searing. I don't recall how many I did, but I think it was near by reverse estimation.  Not overly inspiring, but time efficient and utilitarian at least.

1 comment:

  1. Missed you out there yesterday. You probably heard that Jon was finally able to join us. Conditions were not very nice. Glad you able to get some hill repeats in.
    Thanks for the Pulp Fiction clip. I made my new young apprentice watch that movie for the first time last week. I think I'm going to make him call me Mr. Wolf from now on.
