Friday 7 September 2007

Saskatchewan Bound

Getting home at 1:30 to pack and drive to the airport for a 3:45 flight is kind of a tight program for the afternoon. Packing is relatively easy, as I'm just bringing my bike bag, but going through the hassle of boxing my bike is something I would have rather done without. Unfortunately I couldn't get confirmation on the bike bags - Westjet said the people at the counters usually have them, but not always. I didn't even feel the need for one, I just wanted to bring my bike with the handlebars turned sideways. But they say it's necessary so they have something to stick the luggage tag to. I'm pretty sure I could find a way to overcome that. The bright side was they didn't charge me anything for the box.

Anyway, plane started to taxi 5 minutes after we boarded, and I had a solid one hour nap, waking up just before we landed. We got buttons that say "I love Regina" from the airport staff.

We went to the Copper Kettle for a good dinner, and were served by a waiter who had left Calgary 3 months ago. His rent in Calgary was $1,500 per month, which wasn't high on his affordability scale. He bought a house in Regina for $33,000 and pays $127 per month mortgage, plus utilities and all the rest bring him up to $295 total cost per month. Crazy.

We stopped at Atlantis Coffee after to get something for the drive to Moose Jaw, and were once again surprised at how friendly service was. The coffee girls, were having fun at work that night.

Driving to Moose Jaw was ridiculous. I think you could see the lights right from leaving Regina. The road is straight as an arrow and flat as a pancake. This province should do away with speed limits on roads like that.

We found the 99 year old historical B&B pretty easily. Take a hint - if you're ever in Moose Jaw - stay here. It's not perfect, but it is $70 per night, and Tori's web search showed most hotels were $100. The money you put in to this place goes toward the couple who are the owners, proprietors and chief restorers.

Sleep wasn't hard to come by.

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