Thursday 14 December 2006

Grumpy Old Men

By my count, there's only 10 days till Christmas, but as my morning experience evidences, the world isn't exactly full of seasonal cheer. After fighting a losing battle with the snooze button on my alarm clock, I drag myself out of bed into the complete darkness of another winter morning where the sun will eventually rise when I'm comfortably at my office. I head upstairs, check my thermometer, and see that it's about 0 degrees celcius. It's been a balmy December so far by bike commuting standards. I pick my bike commuting kit off my bathroom floor, tuck my suit into my backpack, and head out the door.

Where today differs from any other morning is only 2 blocks from my house. I'm riding along the street, going fairly quick as the first 2k from my house is mildly downhill and fast, so I usually make an effort to warm up right away. I pass a fellow who's walking my way, but on the sidewalk, in the dark. He mutters something as I ride by. He's large, and wearing a navy overcoat, which gives him a penguin figure. I'd say he was 55-65 years old. I'm not quite out of morning stupor mode yet, and at first I thought he said "slippery sidewalk", but I wasn't sure if he was speaking to himself or was trying to say something to me. I squeeze my brakes, and inadvertently lock up both wheels as the road is more slippery than I thought. I turn around and make my way back to him.

"Did you say something?"

The gruff response was "yeah, you're a stupid idiot". Ok, so this is taking an unexpected turn for 7:15 on a dark Thursday morning. I tell him that's a really thoughtful thing to share with a stranger in the morning. "You're going to get killed riding your bike to work". I inform him that in 10 years of off and on commuting to places I've needed to be, I'm still going strong, a few little mishaps aside. And thanks for your concern, but if you need a reminder, this is a decision I'm free to make for myself (for the record, my commute consists of about 15 blocks of residential streets with the amount of traffic you'd expect at that time of day, and 4k of bike path). This fell on deaf ears. "you can't even see where you're going."

I'm moving towards defending my position a bit more here "dude, don't be a dumbass. I get where I'm going every day of the year, I can obviously see where I'm going just fine."
He retorts "why don't you get some self respect, grow up, and get a car to drive to work." Apparently this individual totally got up on the wrong side of bed this morning. So in his world view, riding my bike indicates a lack of self respect, and immaturity, both of which can be remedied by driving a car. I could spend $20/day to eliminate a 20 minute commute by bike, burn fossil fuels, and participate in morning traffic congestion instead of starting my day with some fresh air.

This obviously isn't going in any productive direction. I think it's about time for us to part ways, since this isn't the flavour I want to start my day with. "I've got a car, it's my choice when to drive it. Quit being such an asshole and give your head a shake. Riding to work is safe and smart; a lot smarter than being a grumpy, out of shape old fart like yourself".

I turn around and start pedalling away, and coincidentally Lonn Bate, a racer buddy of mine drives by. He yells "hi" to me, and I work on forgetting my encounter.

Merry f-ing Christmas to all!

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