Sunday 9 January 2011

Snowy Singletrack

Craig, Thomas Yip and I met at Cadence on a windy windy -7C day to share stories, coffee, and our excitement to ride singletrack in near perfect condition. Although it wasn't that cold out, barely saw a soul outside; I guess the horizontal blowing snow deterred most. Other than the wind chill, the snow is dry and packed, making trails smoother than in the summer, and giving perfect traction as long as you don't deviate from the 10"-12" packed width.

Loops through Tuscany ravine were top notch - all rideable, all twisty, fun and fast. Proceeded back along the north side of Bowmont on similar, then a loop through Edworthy which was great other than one massive spring flow which made 20m of steep ice to cross.

Finished off with the Edworthy east trails, then a warmup soup and sandwich at the Lazy Loaf.

How can it get any better? I have a great feeling about 2011. I had enough biking fitness to survive this 4h excursion, and have fun biking plans this year. Friends have great biking plans to follow too. Work looking great, and other stuff settling out well too.

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