Ceiling with water issues. No good.

Front entryway part demolished. Eventually that tan wall will be gone too. It's cinderblocks behind the drywall - and the drywall is glued to the blocks. Makes for poor insulation, but a solid wall if you bump into it at the housewarming party (Warren?).

The bathroom was small and had no headroom over the toilet, an angled wall was there that I couldn't ever figure out since there should have been more space. Turns out this large air return duct was there. This HVAC layout wouldn't cut it in Europe where people actually care about wasting space. That thing is 14" deep, plus there's dead space of 3-4" between the duct and the wall.

Upstairs bedroom wall now removed.
This was the computer room/office. Notice that funny little stub wall on the right is gone - there was nothing in there! I have no idea why that stupid little wall was there other than to make the room less useful.

Main living area looks even more spacious now. Note too that the entry way cinderblock wall will be removed, so you'll be able to see straight through to that side of the house (garage currently) where the garage will be an exercise room and bathroom, plus an entryway that goes from the front right through to the back door.

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